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/ QuickStock - The Cinenet Collection / QuickStock_Cinenet_Collection_Volume_1_CD-ROM_(1993).iso / QuickStock™ Installer / QuickStock™ Installer.rsrc / PICT_10002.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1993-07-26  |  7KB  |  286x124  |  8-bit (31 colors)
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OCR: Vendor nstalleriupdater This proaram desioned allow you eesilvinstall update Vendo Enhanced CD-ROM products If you do not have the Vendor r currently installed in /our system simpl clicl on outtor Iabeled Install on the main screen If an olde of the Vendor already installed your system dicl on the button labeled Update" f you h ave he Vendor installed in YoU system, but do not seo the *Update button consult your users manua for assistance Important Before attempting t0use the newly installed or updated Vendor you must restart your computer Installer Updater